Gangwar P.K.
Department of Physics, Bareilly College, Bareilly-243001 India
Теория и моделирование физических процессов
Текст тезисов
In the present study, the CCW (Chester-Chisnell-Whitham )solution has been obtained for the adiabatic propagation of strong shock front in dusty real gas atmosphere with the effect of solid body rotation of the medium. Neglecting the effect of overtaking disturbances on the freely propagating shock, the effect of the presence of dust particle on the post shock flow variables has been estimated for the spherical and cylindrical symmetries. The dusty medium is assumed to be the mixture of small spherical solid particles of inert dust particles of micro size with the real gas. The particles are considered as pseudo-fluid and uniformly distributed in the medium. Initially taking the power varying density distribution the analytical expressions for the post shock velocity, shock strength, the pressure and non-dimensional flow velocity have been derived for freely propagation. Variation of all post flow variables as shock converges in the medium have been computed and discussed through figures. The effect of realness of the gas and density of the solid particles has been calculated. The results accomplished for the case of real gas has been compared with those for pure ideal gaseous atmosphere.